Important Info

Dress for Mess!
Please dress your child so that he/she is comfortable. Every day we spend some time on the floor and on our knees doing the different kinds of activities we do, so it is important that your child be dressed comfortably. When the children play outdoors, they do a lot of climbing and should wear suitable shoes.
Your child's name should be labeled on all outdoor clothing and on other belongings to help ensure the return of all possessions.
Children do occasionally have accidents, therefore we ask that you keep a seasonally appropriate change of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear, socks, and shoes if possible) in your child's backpack. Soiled clothing will be sent home to you in a plastic bag in your child's backpack.
Potty Training Policy
-Child must be dressed in comfortable clothes; no onesies, overalls, rompers or tights -Child must be accident free for 2 weeks before coming to school wearing underwear
Tips: -Padded training underwear are best in the beginning! -Work on pulling up and down underwear and clothes -Work on child wiping themselves independently

Healthy Kids
In order to keep our "Peanuts" healthy, we ask that you keep your child home if he/she is ill. Please concern yourself not only with the welfare of your own child but with the health of the other children as well.
If your child becomes ill at school, we will first phone you to pick up your child. If we can't reach you we'll call your Emergency Contacts.
Please keep your child home if: Your child's nose is running anything but clear. Your child has had a fever within the last 24 hours. Your child has an uncontrollable cough. Your child has vomited in the last 24 hours.

Your child will receive snack everyday. Children will wash their hands in the classroom bathroom before snack time. With your monthly newsletter, you will also receive a monthly calendar. If your child's name is starred for the day, that is the day you send in a snack to share with the class. We encourage healthy snacks (must be unopened) and fruit is always welcome in its whole form (we will be happy to cut it up!) Please also bring in a gallon of water for the class on your child's snack day.
Healthy Snack Ideas: apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges, pretzels, pirates booty, gold fish, graham crackers, granola bars
Dietary Restrictions
If your child has a food allergy or other dietary restrictions (i.e. organic, vegan, gluten free etc.) please indicate that on the Child information form and let your child's teacher know. Your child's teacher will keep a visible list of the students' allergies and dietary restrictions hanging in the classroom. If your child has a food allergy or dietary restriction we will only serve them the food that you provide.

Inclement Weather
Check our website or phone message if we have a delayed opening or if we are closed. You will also receive a reminder via Class Dojo in the event of a school closing.

At Peanuts at St. Gregory's, we celebrate ALL holidays through projects, parties, songs, books, etc. For holiday parties, teachers will post a sign-up sheet via Signup Genius where you can sign-up to contribute something to the party. Birthdays are celebrated in the classroom and parents may send in a birthday treat for the class. For our 2 Year old class (Goodnight Moon Room), we would prefer munchkins, cookies or ice cream cups instead of cupcakes.
Birthdays can be celebrated in our Ocean Room and Jungle Room classes by making arrangements with the teacher beforehand. The parent is invited to come at snack time and stay for about 15-20 minutes. We accept munchkins (2 different flavors only) or ice cream cups. Cupcakes will not be served. Parents can also choose a book to read to the class! For our Goodnight Moon Room we ask that parents bring in a snack as stated above but do not come into the classroom to celebrate.

If your child will be absent from school, please call the office at: (516) 548-7587 or DoJo us and we will let the classroom teacher know. Refunds, credits, or make-up days will not be given for days missed.
If you decide to withdraw your child for any reason, your monthly payment or any part thereof will not be refunded. Peanuts at St. Gregory's reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any child with good reason and with fair notice.